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Do you have a 1st April to 31st March holiday year for your staff?

By Stephen Cowburn

If you don’t (i.e. it is the calendar year or some other arrangement) then this is not relevant.

If you do have a 1st April to 31st March holiday year in your business read on……

In the current 2017/18 holiday year you may have noticed that Easter is split over two holiday years. Good Friday is on 30th March and Easter Monday is on 2nd April.

The net effect is that for the 2017/18 holiday year staff may receive an extra day’s holiday. How you handle this will depend on what is in your contracts of employment regarding holiday.

Legally, staff are entitled to 5.6 weeks’ holiday annually. In 2018/19 the number of bank and public holidays amount to 7 days ie one day short of the legal minimum and therefore you would be in breach of your employee’s rights. To avoid this, and depending what your contracts say, you may need to top up leave next year by one day.

If you want a complimentary review of the position for your business, contact Stephen Cowburn or use the Get in Touch link below.

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